

Become a masterful content creator in today's dynamic digital world of business and entreprenuership.
Get skills you can use to start a business, grow your business, find a job and build your brand.
You can enroll by making payment in USD, Kwacha or other currency

What is Content Creation?

WHAT IS CONTENT CREATION? Who needs it? Why do you need it? Content Creation is the generation of information that is used to build a brand, attract customers and make sales. Think about the obvious advertising materials like billboards, television, radio, flyers, brochure etc... Everything you see or hear related to businesses on these materials is CONTENT. The person who makes a billboard is a content creator. They create the visual content (through photography and/or graphics design) They write words that attract (this is copywriting) WHO NEEDS CONTENT CREATION? 🔵Those looking for a skill they can monetize 🔵 Business who want to market 🔵 Personal brands that want to build an audience 🔵Those who want to find a job that requires this skill.

What Will You Learn?

What will you learn ? The program has 5 main categories. 1️⃣CONTENT CATEGORIES BY PURPOSE. ✅️Content that builds trust. ✅️Content to build a bigger audience. ✅️Content that keeps your audience coming back for more. ✅️Content that sales. ✅️Creating content on behalf of clients. ✅️How to never run out of content ideas. ✅️Productivity in content creation.. 2️⃣TOOLS Tools that make your content creation easier and more professional. ✅️Graphics tools. ✅️Video tools. ✅️Artificial intelligence tools. ✅️Content admin and and storage tools. 3️⃣ LINKEDIN ✅️Linked strategy ✅️Linkedin for personal brands ✅️Linkedin networking for business. ✅️Linkedin content creation. ✅️Finding clients through LinkedIn. 4️⃣ PERSONAL BRANDING CONTENT ✅️Using content to build your personal brand. ✅️Dealing with negative feedback ✅️Networking and opportunities. 5️⃣FREELANCERS BUSINESS TIPS ➡️Getting clients ➡️Creating proposals ➡️Being organised and fast so that you handle more clients.
$27 - Pay with Stripe
K1,250 - Pay with mobile money
Chat with team on email or  whatsapp for other options. Email: [email protected]

I am Susan

sinvite you to join the Content Creation School and learn a skill you can use to start a business, marketing your business, grow your brand or find employment. If I was to pick the top 3 skills that have been of most benefit to me, content creation or writing would be on the list.


1. Traveling and still able to work 2. Freedom to work from home 3. Watching my kids grow without giving up work or income 4. Building a team and training my team - through writing SOPs and training material teaching them to do what I do. 5. Selling goods online. 6. Investing after earning. 7. Nomination and Awards for writing and personal branding. 8. Networking. 9. Personal brand Building and Brand Recognition. 10. Speaking engagements. 11. Training opportunities 12. Consulting and coaching. 13. Helping my clients sell their products/services. 14. Social Media Management for clients 15. Social media content for personal brand. 16. Newspaper features and Newspaper column 17. Blogging for both clients and personal brand. 18. Writing and selling Ebooks and paperbacks. 19. Creating and selling Audiobooks. 20. Creating and selling courses. 21. Creating and monetizing other training materials.
WANT TO LEARN my system plus how to turn that into a business or apply the skill to your business? Join CONTENT CREATION SCHOOL. Content Creation School starts on 1st March 2024. Price: K1,250 [49] Join and improve your business, start a new one, or sponsor one of your team members. Join the updates group - link below. Which of these benefits is attractive to you?
It goes beyond Social Media Marketing even though that's one of the benefits as seen from his feedback:
"I completed the content creation course. Thank you so much. It gave me so much clarity on content creation. It how you simplify some of these things that I really appreciate about your teaching. I now have more confidence to take up social media page management roles." Here are 21 Benefits I have experienced.
$27 - Pay with Stripe
K1,250 - Pay with mobile money
Chat with team on email or  whatsapp for other options. Email: [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

What is content creation?

The Art and Science of producing information in a way that communicates a particular message. This information includes: written text, graphics, images, videos, animation, audio or spoken words.

What is it used for?

It is used to convey a message. The prupose of each of these messages differ according to the intended goal. Examples include: information, education, entertainemnt, marketing, sales ets.

How can you make money from it?

Mostly by creating the content and giving it to someone who has objective that requires the use of content. For exmap,e, to market a new product, content needs to be created

How does joining content creation school help?

You will learn practical ways from the real world from somepne who generated more than K400,000 in a year from content creation skills. You will learn not only how to create a content but also how to properly monetize it.

What can you expect to learn?

There are three main things you will learn:
1. Art and science of content structure and creation.
2. How to turn the skills into a business.
3. How to grow a content based business.

How do you join?

Make payment and send proof of payment to [email protected]

How long is the program?

When studied at the scheduled time, the class is 30 days with 1 year access to the material.

How are the classes conducted?
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Is there a certificate?
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Do you allow installment?
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Students review



"Hi susan, hope you are well. Am good and the digital marketing training is goin on very well. My wife also appreciated it very much for her nurses uniforms business. I really laughed at her on the issue of pricing as she was thinking for clients that they may not afford."


I completed the content creation course. Thank you so much. It gave me so much clarity on content creation. It how you simplify some of these things that I really appreciate about your teaching. I now have more confidence to take up social media page management roles.
$27 - Pay with Stripe
K1,250 - Pay with mobile money
Chat with team on email or  whatsapp for other options. Email: [email protected]